Les parents du chanteur Geddy Lee du groupe canadien RUSH sont 2 survivants de l'holocauste. Sur le site Blender.com, Geddy Lee répond a la question d'un fan qui veut en savoir un peu plus sur l'histoire de ses parents.
Your parents are both Holocaust survivors. How did they meet?
When the Nazis came into the Polish town where my mother lived, they kept the Jews in a ghetto and then marched them to a labor camp. My father was from a different village, but was at the same work camp. They were 12 or 13, and then they were both sent to Auschwitz. My father would bribe the guards to give her shoes or food, little signs of affection. They fell in love in that horrible environment. Then she was transferred to Bergen-Belsen, and after the war she assumed he hadn’t survived. My dad made a point of finding her.
We grew up very aware of the Holocaust. My mother’s 83, and she freaks out if I leave a door unlocked. Holocaust survivors don’t ever really feel secure. They’re always waiting for those soldiers to come back. I was lucky that I had my dad for 12 years, and my mom’s still going strong at 83.
Quand meme incroyable que deux personnes parviennent à trouver l'amour dans des conditions semblables. Comme quoi, même dans les situations les plus sombres de l'histoire, la vie et l'amour réussissent à survivre.